Let us see how to upgrade Botpress bot to the latest Botpress version.
Follow below steps.
- Export bot from old version in admin page (This would create a bot_<botid>_<timestamp>.tgz file) and import in the new version by providing bot id and the import file.
- Download latest botpress binary from official site.
- Copy existing bot folder from your older workspace to new one
a. botpress-master\out\bp\data\bots to botpress\data\bots - Add bot id to botpress\data\global\workspaces.json
a. Eg: “bots”: [“infaa1”], - Copy your custom module
a. Eg: botpress-master\modules\infa-module to botpress\modules\infa-module - Enable your custom module in C:\Tools\botpress\data\global\botpress.config.json file
{ "location": "MODULES_ROOT/infa-module", "enabled": true }
- Copy custom css to botpress\data\assets\modules\channel-web\infa-style.css
- Restart botpress
- Enable this bot as an embedded bot inside your website. Eg: In your index.html add below 2 script tags
<head> <script src="http://host:port/assets/modules/channel-web/inject.js"></script> </head> <script> window.botpressWebChat.init({ host: 'http://host:port', botId: 'infaa1', overrides: { before_container: [{ module: 'infa-module', component: 'InfaMessageController' }] }, extraStylesheet: 'http://host:port/assets/modules/channel-web/assets/infa-style.css' }) </script>
Note: Above steps assume you have a custom stylesheet and you need to embed in an existing website.